Decluttering Step #4: Ask key questions

10 February 2014

Step 4 in the Declutter Your Home Series: Ask key questions

This is the fourth in a blog series I’m writing on Mondays that will take you step by step through the decluttering process. Each Monday for the last few weeks, I’ve covered Step #1, Create your vision and Step #2: Choose your space and Step #3: Gather your supplies. Today we actually getting started decluttering.

If you’ve been reading this series and followed the steps, you’ve created your vision for your space, chosen a small but mighty place to start, and gathered up your supplies. Now it’s time to actually start decluttering.

If you have space, empty the area you want to declutter. (Remember, I suggest it be a small space like a drawer or a cupboard.) Sort the items so that like things are together. That way, you’ll discover your multiples. (When I decluttered my kitchen utensil drawer I was shocked to learn that I owned three pizza cutters!).

It should be relatively easy to part with all but one of the multiples. Pick the one you like best and put the rest in the donate box.

Then start going through each of the items and ask yourself the following three questions:

  • Do I use it?
  • Do I love it?
  • Does keeping this item contribute to my vision for the space?

If you can honestly answer yes to any of the above questions, keep it. If you can’t, please consider letting it go. If it’s tough to let it go, try these two follow-up questions:

  • If I let go of this item and I find I need it, will I be able to get another one?
  • How likely is that to happen?

The three key questions should help guide you to letting go of the stuff you won’t miss. Don’t let these common objections derail you:

  • I paid a lot for it. (The money is gone and keeping the item won’t bring it back.)
  • It was a gift. (That doesn’t mean you have to keep it.)
  • I might need it some day. (See the two follow-up questions, above.)

Place items in the appropriate boxes you’ve gathered (see Step #3), or the trash, until you’ve gone through them all.

Next week’s post, the final one in the series, will cover the next step.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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